Movie showing: A Firece Green Fire

Thursday February 12, 2015

Spanning 50 years of grassroots and global activism, the documentary film, 'A Fierce Green Fire' (Sundance, 2011), brings to light the vital stories of the environmental movement, where people fought - and succeeded - against enormous odds. From halting dams in the Grand Canyon to fighting toxic waste at Love Canal; from Greenpeace to Chico Mendes; from climate change to the promise of transforming our civilization, A Fierce Green Fire is "nothing less than the history of environmentalism itself" (Los Angeles Times).

Narrated by Robert Redford, Ashley Judd, Van Jones, Isabelle Allende and Meryl Streep, this inspiring and empowering film not only informs and educates about what has been achieved through the environmental movement over the years, but also lays a foundation of solidarity and interconnectedness upon which to continue to build the movement into the future.

We welcome you to this movie showing at the Boston Area Solar Energy Association Forum. Refreshments and chatter at 7pm, movie at 7:30, discussion following, concluding by 9pm.